Maud Raber

Maud Raber

An Integral Master Coach™, seasoned facilitator and trainer of facilitators and coaches with extensive leadership development experience with corporate, government and non-profits globally, Maud has a passion for supporting virtual teams to develop and thrive, such that they can reach exceptional performance and outstanding relational effectiveness.

She leverages her own experience of leading remote and hybrid teams across 6-7 companies since the year 2014, including in highly self-organised (holacratic) ways of working, to support leaders and organisations to successfully switch between in-person, hybrid and full-remote with sustained and even enhanced team performance, engagement, client satisfaction, and mental health at work.

Her warm, highly engaging and practical facilitation style enables leaders from very different levels of fluency in terms of hybrid management to find their ease with the topic and optimally learn and grow, with an emphasis on practice and an ability to trust their human skills and take bold, impactful new moves that bring their teams forward.

Maud is fluently trilingual in French, English and German and a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and the International Association of Facilitators (IAF). She lives in the French region of Alsace, bordering Germany and Switzerland.