Thrive in today’s workplace | 7 key leadership skills: Video Presentation

Leadership Skills Presentation

For Directors, Managers, and Team Leaders

With all the changes in today’s workplace models, leaders must be more versatile than ever. As a leader if you want to thrive in the new world of work, you need to possess a diverse set of skills. This may mean polishing skills you already have and/or developing new ones.

This presentation highlights 7 crucial leadership skills to improve your team’s success:

Drive performance and trust without close monitoring or supervision

Driving performance is about encouraging your team to focus on outcomes and effective and cohesive teamwork

Lead with empathy and compassion

Empathy is a learned skill that you can employ to impact a relationship. It can makes people feel that they’ve been heard and it reassures them that you’re engaged enough to listen and to care about their situation.

Use hybrid communication effectively

Leaders will need to establish new communication strategies for today’s hybrid world with a focus on ensuring the tools you use are appropriate for the task you are engaged in.

Champion skills development

This is how you’re going to find the change leaders and difference makers in your organization. They’re the 20% who do 80% of the work – the star players on your team.

Keep your fingers on the pulse of your team

Keeping your fingers on the emotional and task-related pulse of your team provides valuable information about the team’s resilience, their level of engagement, and productivity.

Listen actively

With communication, the key is in the subtleties … and they can make a big difference. Discover how to spot the difference between what is spoken and what is left unsaid. Use those insights to communicate more effectively with your team members.

Establish team culture and norms

Discover how to create a Team Operating Agreement (TOA). It’ll outline how you’ll talk to each other, share information, frequency and duration of meetings and which activities to prioritize for in-office time.

This focused session will give you actionable leadership strategies you can apply immediately.